Kadaknath Chicken – Indian breed of chicken from Dhar and Jhabua

Kadaknath Chicken - Indian breed of chicken from Dhar and Jhabua
Kadaknath Chicken - Indian breed of chicken from Dhar and Jhabua

What is Kadaknath Chicken? Why an Indian breed of chicken from Dhar and Jhabua is so popular. Let’s Explore…

“Kadaknath” as a species is unusual because of its meat health benefits and meat colour i.e. black. This species of chicken is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh mainly in the eastern parts and bordering areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat. These birds adjust well under hot semi-arid climatic situations and grim growing conditions. Because of the presence of melanin pigment in the body, the chicken has black coloured legs, comb, toenails etc. The fat quantity for this species of chicken is 0.70 to 1.05 %, which is very minimal compared to other species that have 12 to 26 % of fat. Population for this breed is declining day by day because of its growing demand in the market and lack of commercial poultry farming.

Kadaknath Chicken Breeds:

There are three main available:

– Jet Black Kadaknath: Both hen and cock are black coloured.

– Penciled Kadaknath: White coloured feathers around the neck.

– Golden Kadaknath: Both hen and cock have golden coloured feathers on the neck.

Kadaknath Farming:

Poultry farming is primitive and is creating a lot of profit in present times. Kadaknath breed is inhabitant to the Jabhua and Dhar districts of Madhya Pradesh. Because of its increasing demand, farming for this well-known breed has begun in the states of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Telangana.

Kadaknath Business Plan:

Kadaknath farming generates revenue and returns within a very short period and is just based on eggs and meat. For getting started, a bit of training and a small portion of land is required. If you are planning Kadaknath Farming, then a proper business plan has to be prepared. Your plan must include functions like labour resource, housing, caring, feeding, investment and marketing.

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