How to know if an egg is bad or not, you can find out by determining the freshness of the eggs. All you have to do is follow one of the four methods below to find out.
Methods to know if an egg is bad
Method 1: Place the egg in water and watch

The age and freshness of an egg can be determined by placing an egg in a container of water. Fill a cup with enough water so you can see if the egg sinks, hits the bottom, or floats.
There is a small pocket of air inside the eggs and over time, there is more and more air as it passes through their porous shells. As there is more air in the egg, it causes the egg to float more.
If the egg settles at the bottom of the cup horizontally, it is at its peak of freshness.
If the egg settles at the bottom of the cup vertically, it is aging but still safe to eat.
If the egg is floating, it is not a fresh egg. This does not necessarily mean that it is rotten or dangerous to eat. You should test the freshness of the egg by cracking it open and looking for signs that it is rotten.
Method 2: Gently shake the egg and listen

As the egg ages and moisture and carbon dioxide escape through the shell, the yolk and white begin to dry out and shrink. Also, the airbag gets bigger. A larger air pocket gives the egg more room to move around inside the shell and create a splashing sound.
This second method involves taking an egg from the fridge and holding it up to your ear, shake it gently and listen.
A fresh egg is not going to make a sound.
An egg that is less fresh will make a distinct splash/rattle sound. It is best not to consume this type of egg.
Method 3: Break the egg and observe the colour and appearance of the yolk and white

This method allows you to determine the freshness of the egg by observing the yolk and the white.
Notice if the egg seems to spread out a long way on the plate or if it stays relatively compact. An egg that spreads or seems a bit runny has a thin white and is past its peak of freshness.
If the yolk is flat and breaks easily, the egg is old.
If the yolk moves easily, this means that it has weakened and the egg is aging.
Look at the color of the egg white. A cloudy white indicates a very fresh egg. A clear white means the egg is older (but still edible).
Method 4: Crack the egg and notice if it smells bad

This is the best way to know if an egg is bad or not. When you break it, it gives off a penetrating smell that you will notice right away. you should throw the egg away immediately to avoid mischief.
Now that you know 4 methods of how to tell if an egg is bad, don’t risk getting sick or getting diseases like salmonella and stay alert whenever you eat eggs.