5 Best Scientific Tips to Follow when you are doing Self Study

5 Best Scientific Tips to Follow when you are doing Self Study
5 Best Scientific Tips to Follow when you are doing Self Study

Hello Friends, Welcome to TheFlashUpdate, here we have tips on “What to do during self study”. Today in this article we are going to give you some smart tips for self studying. The tips listed in the article will help you to learn better and to utilize your time more effectively and satisfactorily. As these are the best scientific tips to follow when you are doing self study.

Let’s dive in…

Best Scientific Tips to Follow when you are doing Self Study

1. Early Morning is the Best Time For self studying

One common habit that all successful people have is that they start their day early. Start your day when the rest of the world is sleeping, that way you will get extra time for studying.

The best time for self studying is in the morning between 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM, in this period your brain performs at its peak. We are not saying that studying in night is not that productive. But it is scientifically proven that in the morning human brain performs at its best.

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2. Make a habit of Mapping Concepts

When you finish reading your chapter try to make cheat sheets for that particular chapter. Be precise when writing short notes. Only note down the important points which will give you help while you revise.

3. Say no to social media while doing self study

Social media is the main factor because of which many students get distracted while doing their self study, scrolling down the feed of Facebook and Instagram is a 100% per cent waste of time. If you want to achieve good grades in the exams, then the most important thing is to avoid social media during exams.

It has been scientifically proven that browsing on social media decreases the productivity level.

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4. Prepare Flash notes

Make flash notes of important answers and stick them on the wall refrigerator or in your bedroom. Looking at these things now and then will surely help you to remember things for a longer time.

5. Get out of your comfort zone while doing self study

Make discomfort your best friend, because when you are in your comfort zone you get easily distracted even to the slightest disturbance.

Don’t complain about noises, don’t complain about your tutors, don’t complain that you do not have enough time.

Comfort kills productivity and once you are out of your comfort zone, you will be more productive, more creative and more adaptable to the changes.

So these were the best scientific tips to follow when you are doing self study, Thank you, Stay Tuned!

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