cbse board exam 2021 latest news: Chances of Exams Getting Cancelled Higher; Here’s Why

cbse board exam 2021 latest news: Chances of Exams Getting Cancelled Higher; Here’s Why

During this lockdown everyone has lost something, some gained as well. But the biggest loss to the world has been the delayed and improper education of children online. Especially in India, we hear a lot of news around that no strict exams are being conducted, which is a loss not only for the student but for the country too. CBSE board exams 2021 are a matter of debate currently, govt can’t decide what they should do while students as modiji for cancellation. #modiji_cancel12thboards

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Many such tweets are trending currently in India, students and parents are requesting CBSE to cancel board exams as there is an active wave of covid-19. The Central Board of Secondary Education and the union government are being bombarded by the requests and grievances.

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This is strange as we see, it has two sides to it. We should not delay education as we have the internet to process but since we aren’t able to match the standards we are switching to old methods. I think the system lacks here big time, we can’t emphasise enough the fact that yes there is a pandemic going on but you still have all the equipment to work with. Conducting exams offline is a task itself during this pandemic.

But there are other families as well who are concerned and occupied with their family possibly a medical emergency which is as we know is happening a lot around us these days. It is hinted that an announcement on this topic can be made by the end of May. It would be a spectacle to see what decision govt and CBSE takes regarding this.

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Exams have already been postponed as they were scheduled for April as coronavirus spread rapidly at that time in India. Students are worried because these exams would affect their college admissions as well and that is a very big step in a student’s life.


No official announcement has been made yet, but Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has made an announcement that student will receive a prior 15-day notice before the commencement of exams. This is not very good announcement as this notice could come very late is it is hectic job for a student to stay in that exam environment. The mind needs refreshment to stay stable. And since its covid outside, the life of students has reduced to houses only.

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It has been a long journey for everyone, yes you’re the one reading it as well. But we should think of our successors what they will benefit from. CBSE board exams may not get cancelled or may get cancelled but you have to stay safe and healthy where ever you are.