Top Key Features of Tesla and battery Charging specification

Top Key Features of Tesla and battery Charging specification

Key Features of Tesla and battery Charging specification

The report of March 2020, Tesla offers four car models: 

We have mention Tesla cars Top Key feature which makes Tesla Unique and Luxurious. Tesla is an Electric Car everyone not let’s know more about Tesla specification why it is one of the top listed into future car.

the Tesla Model S, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model X and Tesla Model Y.

Currently, the Tesla  Model S comes in 5 colors: black, white, silver, blue and red.

Most of people worried about charging because Tesla is not a fuel car it is an Electric car

If we talking about Tesla charging Tesla have 3 option to charge his car

  • 1 Home charger
  • 2 Public charger Point
  • 3 Supercharger point

Tesla Home charger

If you have parking area and you want to set up charger in to home Tesla provide equipment to setup charger at home

Home charger is basically good for business man or daily tour purpose

Public Charger point

Many different companies provide charging points, you can register to their services, and you will get a card and you can charge your Tesla at your local public charging point. Most people prefer a local charger and Tesla also suggests to use a public charger for better performance.

Simply you use the company charging card on the charging point and use your Tesla charging cable to charge your Tesla.

Public charger take 6-8hour to charge your Tesla from 10% to 100%

Tesla Supercharger point

Tesla have grown there charging point in all location for his customer,

This supercharging point provide attached charging cable to charge Tesla

You do not required to use your Tesla charging cable,

Just hold the charging cable of supercharging goto the charging hub in the car the charging hub automatically opens once supercharging cable will reach near to the charging Hub.


The Supercharging prefers use on long trips to reach your destination. Supercharger has the capability to charge your Tesla fast and you reach your destination on time.

The normally supercharger cost of $0.25 per KW also applies for Model 3.

full recharge to around 250 miles of range and the costs will be around $22.00.

Key Features of Tesla cars and battery Charging specification

Key less:

Tesla provides a smart card in place of key, you don’t require a key to Start engine or open trunk or Door.

Use the Tesla smart card to open Car door, place your key card on the console and put the car into gear, the engine will start and you start your drive.




Tesla Big Screen Touch Display:

this is main unique things in Tesla you can access almost thing from this Display fr example open Trunk (bonut) or Driving Location path measure and views all upcoming charging point in your way,
In free time you can watch your web series on online entertainment on YouTube Netflix any many more

Pilot profile saver:

The pilot profile saver is best feature in this car and it very useful and most treditional feature ever you will face

What is a pilot profile?

The pilot profile saver means you have two members in the family who drive the Tesla and they have different customization of car adjustment of mirror seat steering. It is normally happen in every body, because everybody have their own sitting way and mirror adjustment

Mostly we have seen fat people and thin people they both cannot drive in the same sit or mirror adjust.

Tesla has solved this issue to adjust your sitting and mirror customization and provide a feature to automatically adjust your setting and mirror according to your pilot profile.

You need to select your profile into Tesla big Screen it will automatically adjust according to your profile.

Auto self lock and unlock:

Tesla has a good auto lock and Unlock feature that makes his customer tension free about his/her car.

Sometimes we forget to lock our car and we reach our office or party. when we remind about we have forgot to lock our car in this situation Tesla have Introduced hi feature where car will automatically lock itself and make to tension free

Tesla Car Seat Heater :

We know inside the heater into the car but Tesla have inbuilt Seat heater which make it more comfortable for Tesla Customers.

Tesla Music sound:

The Audio Weaver-powered sound-system about the Tesla Model 3 is also reviewed.   “When you step up to the Extended Range or Performance Models, then you get the Premium Interior that comprises, Premium sound, made up of 14 speakers, 1 subwoofer, 2 amps, and immersive sound.  At the current Australian media start, I made a point of analyzing the audio system in the Tesla Model 3 and the results were rather interesting.”

What happens if Tesla is not charged for 25 days?

Many customers have queries. What happens if I will not charge the Tesla for 3 weeks, will the Tesla battery be dead? As we have concerns with Tesla users they have cleared the answer that the Tesla battery will not die. The battery will be working.

If you do not charge from 25 days you battery will drain, suppose you have charged 100% 25 days ago and you come after 25 days you Tesla battery will drain 100% to 75-80%.
22-25% battery will drain in 25%

These are all the Top Key Features about Tesla Cars, if you have suggestions about this article do not hesitate to contact us.

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