Myths about gaining weight

Myths about gaining weight
Myths about gaining weight

Myths about gaining weight: Food is a topic that generates great debate and interest in society, especially in recent times, which, together with some misinformation about it, gives rise to the appearance of numerous myths and legends about nutrition. That is why we bring you this post, to deny or affirm dietary assumptions such as that fruit makes you fat at night, what are the foods that lose weight or if drinking water during meals makes you fat.

Fruit at night makes you fat

Eating dinner to avoid gaining weight is a recurring concern in many diets and, in this sense, fruit is usually a great crucified. And it is that consuming this group of foods at night makes you fat is one of the most repeated myths, but in reality, it is just that, a myth. In fact, the fruit has the same calories, vitamins and minerals is taken at the time or in the order that it is taken. What is certain is that it is not advisable to choose those fruits that have a high caloric intake at night or at rest, since there is no option to burn them. In this group, some stand out, such as bananas, coconut, grapes, figs, etc. On the contrary, we have the apple, pear, peach or pineapple, considered the fruit that makes you less fat at night, for its depurative power.

Water makes you fat during meals

False. Water is caloric, it does not provide calories, so it does not gain weight or lose weight, regardless of when it is consumed. In fact, it is so important to keep us hydrated and, in addition, it is a great source of minerals and electrolytes, that it is essential to ingest at any time of the day.

There are foods that lose weight

Actually, all foods provide calories, there is none that by its very nature helps to lose even one gram. The key to losing weight is to balance energy expenditure with caloric intake within the diet. Eating carbohydrates makes you fat and protein makes you lose weight

In each meal, there must be a variety of foods and nutrients so that the satiety mechanism is well regulated. What is true is that if protein intake is increased while carbohydrate and fat intake is reduced, the combustion of fat is favored. But, in general, the problem is not the consumption of carbohydrates, but the way of preparing them. For example, in the case of pasta, its high caloric intake is not due to the macaroni but to the sauce that can accompany it.

Skipping a meal lose weight

This is another mistaken belief. In fact, it is a bad habit. The recommendation by specialists is to make five meals a day, to control hunger between them and avoid eating anxiously. Do you know other myths about gaining weight?

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