What is YouTube Partner Program? Earn money on youtube!

What is YouTube Partner Program? Earn money on youtube!
What is YouTube Partner Program? Earn money on youtube!

Youtube Partner Program is the most common way to earn money on YouTube, let’s learn about some of the ways to earn money on youtube.

Ways to earn money in the YouTube Partner Program

You can earn money on YouTube through the following features:

  • Advertising revenue
  • Channel memberships
  • Merch shelf
  • Super Chat & Super Stickers
  • YouTube Premium Revenue

Each way has a different set of eligibility conditions and this is the way youtube use to reward only good creators.

Keep in mind that YouTube constantly reviews channels to make sure your content conforms to their policies.

Eligibility conditions to turn on these monetization features

As we told you each feature has its own requirements but some monetization features may not be available to you due to local legal provisions.

Once you’ve been taken into the YouTube Partner Program, you may get access to these monetization features:

Requirements for Ad revenue:

Requirements for Channel memberships

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have more than 1,000 subscribers

Requirements for Merch shelf

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have more than 10,000 subscribers

Requirements for Super Chat & Super Stickers

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Must be a resident of a country/region where Super Chat is available

Requirements for YouTube Premium revenue

  • Create content watched by viewers who are YouTube Premium subscribers.

Hope you have gone through this quick article on YouTube Partner Program, and the ways to earn money on youtube. For any queries free to contact us…

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