First Youtube Video in the World

First Youtube Video in the World
First Youtube Video in the World

What would the Internet be without YouTube? What was the First Youtube Video in the World? This platform is one of the fundamental tools of the network where you can share and enjoy videos of all kinds. The content it houses is already unfathomable, finding categories for all audiences. Every musical artist has a channel where they can post their songs or video clips. But not only that it has also served as a springboard for YouTubers who move millions of subscribers, which allows them to live on this platform.

But what was the first video that was hosted on YouTube? Surely you have never asked yourself but now you are curious. Well, YouTube was born in 2005 and the very first video stars one of its founders: Jawed Karim.

In the video, titled ‘Me at the zoo’ , a very young Karim can be seen in front of the elephant enclosure. ” We are in front of some elephants. The best thing is that they have big, big, big trunks, and that’s cool. And there’s not much more to say,” he can be heard saying.

More than 221 million people around the world have seen this video, accumulating 11 million comments, adding about 5,700 each day. Without a doubt, it is YouTube history.

This is the very first video that was posted on YouTube back in 2005:

So, “Me at the zoo” is the very first youtube video in the world that was uploaded to youtube. Youtube’s co-founder Jawed Karim created a youtube channel with the username “jawed” on April 23, 2005, 8:31:52 p.m. PDT [ which is April 24, 2005, at 03:31:52 UTC] and the same day he uploaded the video.

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