Find vaccination centre using WhatsApp in India

Find vaccination centre using WhatsApp in India

Here is how you can locate your nearest Covid-19 vaccine near you using just WhatsApp in India.

In this pandemic, everyone has gone from waiting for the vaccine to getting the first shot. We will help you locate the nearest Covid-19 vaccine centre near you using just WhatsApp in India. If you have been trying to get some assistance, you are in a safe place.

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WhatsApp has recently launched a chatbot feature that will help you with the required assistance. This chatbot has been an innovative way to help and contribute to society. This is developed in collaboration between helplines and stakeholders.

The Indian government has announced through the MyGovIndia Twitter handle that they introduced a new chatbot feature via a tweet and askes its beneficiaries to type ‘Namaste’ to 9013151515 on Whatsapp.

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“Find your nearest vaccination centre right here, through the MyGov Corona Helpdesk Chatbot! Simply type ‘Namaste’ at 9013151515 on WhatsApp or visit Prepare, don’t panic!” stated the tweet.


You will be greeted with an automated message which would contain relevant emergency contacts and a link to your Arogya Setu app. Next, you have to select ‘option1’. It would take a minute for the system to start-up, just stay patient while it performs its thing. You will be then taken to the home page of WhatsApp

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This helpline is available in Hindi and English which can be easily changed through settings. This also has a feature that contains a link that will take you to vaccine registration on the Cowin website. All who are above 18 are allowed to register now.


Book your slot as this is the only way we can fight corona in the long run. India has faced a lot of problems recently, with the rising number of cases and less oxygen supply, everyone struggled. But we are still fighting that is our human spirit and the will to go on and beyond what we have achieved to date as a species.