How to peel a mango? The fastest way to peel a Mango

How to peel a mango? The fastest way to peel a Mango
How to peel a mango? The fastest way to peel a Mango

How to peel a mango? Here is the fastest way to peel a Mango: In addition to being a delicious fruit, the Mango is a very important source of antioxidants thanks to its high amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin C and minerals. It also contains a lot of fiber and helps improve digestion. It is in conclusion, a very healthy fruit.

On this occasion, we want to present a  very fast and efficient way to peel a mango and take advantage of all its meat.

How to peel a mango? Peel mango with a glass

The only utensils we need are a knife and a glass. First of all, we will hold the handle vertically and cut it into three parts by making two cuts (one on each side of the mark left by the branch). In this way, we will have separated the bone in the central cut, from the two parts with more meat.

The second step is to pick up a glass and rest the handle against the rim. We will force until the skin of the mango begins to separate and the meat of the mango remains inside the glass. In less than 1 minute we will have peeled the mango in a very clean way.

If you have any doubts about the process, don’t worry, here is a video that summarizes it:

How to peel a mango? The fastest way to skin off a Mango

Click Here – to Watch on Youtube
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