Nutritional properties of Pineapple

Nutritional properties of Pineapple
Nutritional properties of Pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit native to South America, specifically from Brazil, it has earned a prominent place in our kitchen for its freshness and natural sweetness. Is it convenient for us? Let’s find out some Nutritional properties of Pineapple.

The tropical pineapple ( Ananas sativus ) was discovered by Spanish explorers in Latin America. It began to be cultivated in the 19th century on the island of Hawaii and is currently cultivated in most tropical countries of the world up to 800 meters of altitude.

Precisely because of its tropical origin, it is a very sweet and refreshing fruit, very suitable for the warm climate where it originates.

Can I eat pineapple every day?
Overall, eating pineapple daily can be perfectly fine. Just be sure your pineapple is ripe enough, and observe any side effects you experience.

Nutritional properties – Pineapple

Pineapple is rich in vitamins A, B and C. And also in fibre, potassium and iodine.

Provitamin A in the form of beta-carotene:

It is a pigment that the body will transform into vitamin A according to its needs. This vitamin is necessary for the good condition of the retina and the skin, among other things.

B vitamins:

It is a group of essential vitamins for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Of this group, pineapple stands out for its content of vitamin B9 or folic acid, which is involved in the production of red and white blood cells, in the synthesis of genetic material and in the formation of antibodies in the immune system.

It also stands out for its niacin or vitamin B3, which favours the functioning of the digestive system by converting food into energy.

Vitamin C:

Pineapple contains 20 micrograms of vitamin C per hundred grams of edible fruit (a value slightly below thirty micrograms for tangerines). This vitamin participates in the formation of collagen (important for the skin and joints), red blood cells, bones and teeth, favours the absorption of iron from food and prevents the negative activity of free radicals that cause the ageing of the organism.


  • Potassium:  It intervenes in the balance of water inside and outside our cells. In addition, it is necessary to transmit and generate the nerve impulse and for normal muscle activity. This fact makes it especially interesting to avoid cramps in sportspeople. 
  • Iodine. It is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates the body’s metabolic rate, as well as the growth and development of the fetus, especially the brain. For this reason, it is good to eat pineapple during pregnancy.

There is no doubt that this fruit is loaded with nutrients and other helpful compounds. Pineapple and its compounds aid digestion, speeding up recovery from surgery and boosting overall immunity among others. So, hope you have got some knowledge about the Nutritional properties of Pineapple, for more updates stay tuned…

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